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Add Link to India Directory

Dinesh.com offers a thumb-nailed India directory. Visitors to the site can add or submit their links to the India directory. The directory is hand-maintained by me and I approve or reject sites on a regular basis. Only Indian websites of the highest standard will be approved. If you have sites that offer "Work-from-Home" solutions, they will not be approved.  The directory has over 8000 websites listed and growing on a daily basis. Unlike many other Indian web directories, listings are always FREE. 

If your site is approved in my directory, I would really appreciate a link back to the directory or to any other section on the site.  To Submit your site, navigate to the proper category in the India directory and submit your site. The site will be approved in a few days if it meets the standards.


If you have a website, you can earn some money by using the Google Adsense program. Using this program, you can sign up and display ads on your website and once some one clicks on your ad, you will receive some part of the earnings from that. Its probably the best program out there today.  Click the link below to sign up.