Grauman's Chinese Theatre Forecourt
![]() | The forecourt of the Grauman's is famous for the hand and foot prints of Hollywood's greatest. The forecourt attracts more than two million visitors every year. Depending on what generation you grew up in, you will find a name familiar to you whether it be Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, Gregory Peck, Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas or Bruce Willis. There are over 200 stars listed here (see bottom of page for complete list of Dec 2005)
There are some stars who have left their unique imprint in the forecourt such as
- John Wayne left an imprint of his fist.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote his famous dialog from Terminator "I'll be back!"
- George Burn's left and imprint of his cigar.
- Cint Eastwood signed "You made my day!";
- Donald Duck's webbed feet.
Tips while visiting the Chinese Theatre's Forecourt:
- Do not be tempted to park in the corner parking lot next to the Chinese Theater. They take $12 for nothing. You can park in the Hollywood and Highland Mall which charges much less and if you have a shopping or a dining validation, you can park for free. Learn from my mistake. :-)
- Obviously choose a sunny day as its all a walk down a street.
- You will find a large number of people dressed as Hollywood characters like Spiderman, Marily Monroe, Michael Jackson etc. They expect a tip if you pose with them.
- Don't forget to go to the corner of the Hollywood and Highland Mall. You can see the Hollywood sign from back there. Its the corner where two elephants are hanging.
- The restaurants in the mall are pretty average fare. Don't expect anything great.
- You can get a your hand-prints made at the souvenier shop in the forecourt.
- For Michael Jackson fans, his star is right in front of the forecourt.
- Last but not the least, do not have any high expectations of Hollywood. Its really a run-down place where wanna-be movie stars live. The place that you really want to visit is Beverly Hills.
List of Hollywood Celebrities honoured at the Chinese Theatre's Forecourt.
Abbot, Bud
Ameche, Don
Andrews, Julie
Arnold, Edward
Artoo, Detoo
Astaire, Fred
Autry, Gene
Barrymore, John
Bartholomew, Freddie
Baxter, Anne
Beatty, Warren
Beery, Wallace
Benny, Jack
Bergen, Edgar
Blondell, Joan
Bogart, Humphrey
Boyer, Charles
Bradley, Tom
Brain, Joe
Brown, Joe E
Brynner, Yul
Burns, George
Bushman, Francis X
Cage, Nicolas
Cantor, Eddie
Carrey, Jim
Champion (Gene Autry’s horse)
Chevalier, Maurice
Chinese Theatre’s 50th Anniversary
Cinema Scope (Honorary Plaque)
Connery, Sean
Cooper, Gary
Cooper, Jackie
Costello, Lou
Crain, Jeanne
Crawford, Joan
Crosby, Bing
Cruise, Tom
Daly, Bob
Daniels, Bebe
Daniels, Anthony
Darnell, Linda
Darth Vader
Davies, Marion
Davis, Bette
Day, Doris
De Havilland, Olivia
DeMille, Cecil B
Donald Duck
Doohan, James
Douglas, Kirk
Douglas, Michael
Dressler, Marie
Dunne, Irene
Durante, Jimmy
Durbin, Deanna
Eastwood, Clint
Eddy, Nelson
Fairbanks, Douglas
Faye, Alice
Fleming, Rhonda
Fonda, Henry
Fontaine, Joan
Ford, Harrison
Gable, Clark
Gardner, Ava
Garland, Judy
Garson, Greer
Gaynor, Janet
Gere, Richard
Gibson, Mel
Glover, Danny
Goldberg, Whoopi
Grable, Betty
Grant, Cary
Grant, Johnny
Grauman, Sid
Grauman, Rosa
Hanks, Tom
Harding, Ann
Harlow, Jean
Harrison, Rex
Hayward, Susan
Hayworth, Rita
Heflin, Van
Henie, Sonja
Hersholt, Jean
Hertz, William F
Heston, Charlton
Hollywood’s 100th Anniversary
Hope, Bob
Hopkins, Anthony
Howard, Ron
Hudson, Rock
Jessel, George
Johnson, Van
Jolson, Al
Kaye, Danny
Keaton, Michael
Kelley, DeForest
Kelly, Gene
Kerr, Deborah
Koenig, Walter
Ladd, Alan
Lamour, Dorothy
Laughton, Charles
Lemmon, Jack
LeRoy, Mervyn
Lloyd, Harold
Loren, Sophia
Loy, Myrna
Lucas, George
Lundigan, William
MacDonald, Jeanette
MacGraw, Ali
MacLaine, Shirley
Mann, Ted
March, Fredric
Martin, Dean
Martin, Tony
Marx Brothers
Mason, James
Mastroianni, Marcello
Matthau, Walter
McCarthy, Charlie
McLaglen, Victor
McQueen, Steve
Melchior, Lauritz
Milland, Roy
Mills, Hayley
Miranda, Carmen
Mix, Tom
Monroe, Marilyn
Moore, Colleen
Mrs. Miniver
Mrs. Miniver (East Wall Plaque)
Murphy, George
Murphy, Eddie
Nash, Clarence
Neff, Hildegarde
Negri, Pola
Nelson, Charles
Newman, Paul
Nichols, Nichelle
Nicholson, Jack
Nimoy, Leonard
O’Brien, Margaret
O’Connor, Donald
O’Connor, Effie (Donald’s mother)
Oakie, Jack
Pacino, Al
Parsons, Louella O
Peck, Gregory
Pickford, Mary
Pinza, Ezio
Poiter, Sidney
Powell, Dick
Powell, Eleanor
Powell, William
Power, Tyrone
Quinn, Anthony
Raft, George
Reynolds, Debbie
Reynolds, Burt
Rhoden, Elmer C
Ritz Brothers
Robinson, Edward G
Robson, May
Roddenberry, Gene
Rogers, Ginger
Rogers, Roy
Rooney, Mickey
Russell, Jane
Russell, Rosalind
Sarandon, Susan
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Seagal, Steven
See Threepio
Sellers, Peter
Semel, Terry
Shatner, William
Shearer, Norma
Simmons, Jean
Sinatra, Frank
Skelton, Red
Spielberg, Steven
Stallone, Sylvester
Stanwyck, Barbara
Star Trek’s 25th Anniversary
Star Wars Characters
Stevens, George
Stewart, James
Streep, Meryl
Swanson, Gloria
Takei, George
Talmadge, Norma
Talmadge, Constance
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Elizabeth
Temple, Shirley
The Robe (1st Cinema Scope Picture)
Thomas, Danny
Tierney, Gene
Tony (Tom Mix’s horse)
Travolta, John
Trigger (Roy Roger’s horse)
Turner, Lana
Vallee, Rudy
Van Dyke, W. S.
Van Dyke, Dick
Walsh, Racoul
Washington, Denzel
Wayne, John
Webb, Clifton
Werner, Oskar
Widmark, Richard
Williams, Esther
Williams, Robin
Willis, Bruce
Withers, Jane
Wood, Natalie
Woodward, Joanne
Woolley, Monty
Wyman, Jane
Wynyard, Diana
Young, Loretta
Zemeckis, Robert
Zukor, Adolph