BSS Founders Day 2011 and Mr Normans Visit
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Bombay Scottish celebrated Founder's Day on 18th Feb. This year our former science teacher, Mr Norman, who has now retired to Bangalore was the guest of honour. Mr Naresh Nanda, spoke to the audience members. Please see below the speech and pictures from the event.
Speech by Mr Naresh Nanda, class of 1964
Principal, Respected Mr. Norman, Students of Bombay Scottish & Friends,
My memories go back to the 11 years I spent in this school & finally passed out in the year 1964. As you all know, Mr. Norman was our Physics & Chemistry teacher. He was particularly very encouraging & supportive of me and it is for this the reason I am here to say a few words. Infact, his involvement with the students of Bombay Scottish goes beyond mouthing dialogues.
The feelings that I have for Mr. Norman are plenty & varied as Physics was one of my favorite subjects and I used to interact with him from time to time beyond class hours. I am sure his charm, simple dignity and scientific bent of mind captured everyone€™s heart.
I feel gratitude when I realize what a wonderful protector & provider he has been. Awe & admiration when I see him as a €œTeacher of the world€ needing to be loved and respected as much as we need to be loved and respected by you. Your selfless dedication & devotion shall forever remain cherished in our hearts.
Sir, you have truly justified that €œA hand that served your students is holier than the lips that pray€.
I owe my success and happiness today to this School and Mr. Norman. I have authored 12 Books on Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge, Naval Architecture & Ship Construction which are widely used by Maritime students in India & abroad. I am honored to present Sir, with 2 books, as a token of affection. Along with this, also is a €˜Momento€™ hand written by myself. It reads: Generally people say everything
Is possible
But I say
One thing is Impossible
For centuries ahead
Will not be born.
Friends, let us give Mr. Norman a standing ovation & a big applause.
Naresh Nanda (Ex-Student, 1964)
Gift of Bombay Trip
Gift of Bombay Trip - CD Norman, Feb 2011
This is a letter of appreciation from Mr CD Norman for the event honouring him on Founder's Day 2011.
![]() | My trip to Bombay in February 2011 was a gift offered to me and Subhashini by ex-students of Bombay Scottish School, particularly by the students of 1964 batch. It happened in a most unexpected way when I have been hoping for this trip for many years. After retirement from Bombay Scottish School in 1982, I settled in Bangalore from April 1989. I made a brief trip to Bombay in December the same year for two days. I cannot recall what the purpose of the trip was except to collect the refund cheque from Bombay Telephones, of the deposit amount with them. I had surrendered my phone before leaving Bombay. |
Then there was a long wait eagerly hoping for a trip once again to Bombay. The chance came from an unexpected event, almost by an accidental mention of the name of Darius Pedder, an ex student of mine, in my article that appeared in the annual magazine of BSS: €œTartan 2010€ As luck would have it Monica Bose showed the article to Darius in one of the get-together of 64 batch. The matter then started moving fast. On reading through the article in the magazine, Darius wrote to me €œwith his eyes filled with tears€ to say, €œSir, of all your students of BSS, I am happy that you remembered me.€ That article which started with these words, €œDarius was his name. Darius Pedder.€ was to cost him good money, material and time as also a spate of e-mails which brought myself and Subhashini to Bombay for four memorable days, 17 to 20 February 2011.
BSS Founders Day and Mr Normans Visit
![]() | | As many of you probably know Bombay Scottish celebrates Founder's Day on 18th Feb. This year our former science teacher, Mr Norman, who has now retired to Bangalore is visiting school on that day. He is keen to meet his former students and I'm sure all of us are eager to see him again and catch up with old friends. The principal has asked him to address the gathering which begins with Assembly at 9am (like old times!!) and ends with lunch hosted by the Alumni Association. |
I quote from his letters, with his permission:
''I shall be very happy to meet more of my old pupils who would attend the Founders€™ Day function. I expect it be a memorable day in my life....
I am a humble person and had, all through my life, lived a simple life. But the greatest satisfaction I can claim for myself was my devotion to teaching you all boys and girls and the love shared as teacher and pupils...
Actually, this visit of mine to the school after 20 years will be my €˜pilgrimage€™ to Bombay Scottish School and I would prefer to keep it a low-key €œhome coming€..
I would very much like to meet the families of those students who might ask me to..."
Since it is a on a Friday it may not be possible for everyone to make it to school but Mr Norman is coming to Bombay on the 17th and leaving on the 20th . His tentative plans during his stay are as follows:
17 Feb€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦morning (fore=noon) arrival in Bombay
18 Feb€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦BSS Founders Day function
19 Feb €¦€¦€¦€¦ free day to move about, particularly to Fort area
20 Feb. €¦€¦€¦€¦morning church service at Byculla; evening, flight back to Bangalore
Anyone or class group wishing to meet him during any other time during his stay other than at Founder's Day may certainly do so. He will be staying at the NSCI club, Worli. Others who may not be able to meet him but want to contact him, can contact me for details.
Please pass this message on to your siblings/relatives and friends so Mr Norman's visit is truly a memorable one for him and all of us .
He is probably the last of that wonderful generation of teachers we were fortunate to have. Thanks to the internet we are all back in touch so lets make the most of it!
This note was sent to me by Usha Banerji
Bombay Scottish Alumni
In the past, I had maintained a database of student names from all the way back as 1952. However with privacy concerns and abuse, I decided to pull those pages out of my site. Also, social networking platforms such as Facebook presented a much better way for people to communicate and hook up with old classmates. In case you are looking for your friends, you have the following options
- - is a social networking platform where many students have registered.
- Facebook - Facebook is one of the largest social networking platforms and there are quite a few groups there as well.
- maybe another place to locate your batchmates.
The Peddler - Design Communication Services
Name : The Peddler Location : Toronto Canada URL : |
Name : AlogonTech - Where Science Meets Engineering Location : San Francisco, California URL : Owner : Ramesh Subramonian, class of 77 |
Alogon is a Silicon Valley company that focuses exclusively on rigorous, yet pragmatic and cost-effective, testing of large, rapidly-evolving software systems.
Alogon was founded on the premise that precision engineering and cost-effectiveness are not mutually exclusive. This has led to a software testing practice where innovative technology is deployed as a service to minimize risk and maximize value for our clients.
Alogon is able to offer its clients a unique combination of price and quality by a judicious combination of technical innovations, engineering simplicity and a geographically distributed workforce.
BSS Famous Ex-Students Article Count: 42
A lot of students from BSS have gone on to become famous personalities in their field of work. If you know any such person, please send me a small note about their achievements and I will add it to this page. One of the names that comes to mind is Aamir Khan.
This page looks very filmy and its probably because they are in the press more, but that is not the intent. :-) I am sure that there are a lot of other students who have gone on to achieve greatness. Please let me know. Thanks to Mustafa Eisa, Harkishin Thadani and Vinod Nair for the information.
Bombay Scottish News Article Count: 13
There are many news stories that appear in the newspaper and on the Internet. This section contains news articles that are related to Bombay Scottish school. If you have any news items to submit, please send me the link or the news.
BSS Pictures Article Count: 12
I have managed to collect a few images of the school, most of which are contributions from ex-students. I have organized the photos by category. If you have any images you would like to share, please do contact me.
Bombay Scottish Businesses Article Count: 2
Bombay Scottish School Businesses
Many of our ex-students are currently running their own businesses and this section of the website lists those businesses. If you would like your business listed here, please drop me a note.
Bombay Scottish School Article Count: 6

Bombay Scottish School, by night
Mapping history of one of city's finest schools
By Noel Keymer - Times of India, Feb 25, 2000
The year was 1847. A small group of Scottish missionaries decide to start a new school. The main objective of the school being to give Scottish orphan children an education so that they could take their rightful place in society as, `honourable and respected citizens'. The missionaries jump started their plan by acquiring a large plot at Mahim bay and started constructing the school, now officially dubbed, `The Bombay Scottish Orphanage'.
Bombay Scottish Orphanage started off humbly with just 12 students, but was still an imposing edifice. Built in the colonial style, it was a single storeyed structure constructed of black granite. The ground floor accommodated the school offices, a chapel cum hall, and two massive bathing rooms. Today, almost a century and a half later, the ancient pantry serves as a staff room for teachers, the bathing rooms and the toilet blocks have been converted into class rooms and computer rooms. And the old chapel is now a hall, called the McKay Hall, in loving memory of its first principal, Adam McKay.
But the hands of time do not change some things. Like the discipline and strict teaching standards, and more materialistically, the 105-year-old Grand Piano, which is still played at assembly everyday, or the 150-year-old banyan tree in the quadrangle, on which many a young boy has skinned his knees while climbing, or while swinging Tarzan-like, from its leafy vines.
Today, Scottish, as the school is lovingly called, boasts a spanking new three storey building, which houses numerous classrooms, a gym and a computer room, and thankfully, the old and the new architecture blend harmoniously together. Bombay Scottish - it's a name to reckon with. A landmark in every sense of the word. An epitome of good education and discipline, and considered by many to be one of the finest schools in the country. On February 18, Bombay Scottish saw students - past and present congregate to celebrate its 153rd founders day, and God willing may it grow in stature and may its present teachers and students take it to new undiscovered heights.