Logo Parodies

Economic Crisis Logos

2008 will go down in history as one of the worst years for economies around the world. Despite the record number of companies collapsing, down-sizing around the world, there will always be someone to find humour in such events. I received a collection of logo parodies of some of the large companies in the world such as Ford, Chrysler, Nike, Apple etc. I hope you find these logo parodies funny. I know I did. I am not sure who created these logos so if you want acknowledgment or want me to remove the logo, please let me know.

3m_logo_parody.jpg apple_logo_parody.jpg bestbuy_logo_parody.jpg

chrysler_logo_parody.jpg cisco_logo_parody.jpg citigroup_parody.jpg

dell_logo_parody.jpg dow_jones_logo_parody.jpg ferrari_logo_parody.jpg

ford_parody.jpg good_year_parody.jpg lg_logo_parody.jpg

nike_logo_parody.jpg nokia_logo_parody.jpg xerox_parody.jpg


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